Flu Shot Facts


Ask any parent of preschool or school age children what four words strikes fear in their heart…it’s “cold and flu season,” and it’s already upon us. If you haven’t already gotten an annual flu shot for yourself and your children, now it the time! It takes about two weeks for a flu shot to provide protection, so as the weather turns cold and the holidays approach, now is the perfect time to go to your doctor or pharmacist.

What is a flu shot and why should I get one?

Influenza is a serious infectious disease that can sometimes lead to hospitalization and even death. Every flu season is different, and between October and May the flu circulates as a higher rate. The CDC recommends everyone who can get a flu shot should – the more people that get vaccinated in a community, the less flu can spread within that population. Flu vaccines spur the body to create antibodies that protect against flu. Each seasonal flu vaccine contains the strains that are most likely to be circulating that year. For the 2016-2017 flu season the CDC is recommending trivalent or quadrivalent shots – the nasal flu mist is not being recommended due to concerns over it’s efficacy. Everyone over the age of 6 months should receive a flu shot. The more people that get vaccinated in a community will protect those who are unable to get a flu shot.

Sometimes the vaccine and the viruses that end up circulating are not a perfect match. So, while it IS possible to catch a flu after receiving a shot, you will be protected from the viruses that are contained in each season’s vaccine. While some people may experience mild symptoms after receiving a flu shot, these symptoms do not mean you’ve “caught” the flu. Low-grade fever, soreness, aches and a reaction at the injection site are fairly common side effects, but they pale in their duration and intensity when compared with the actual flu.

Places in Brentwood that offer flu shots:

In addition to primary care doctors and pediatricians, you can also receive a flu shot at the Safeway pharmacy, CVS pharmacies and Walgreens pharmacies. With most insurance plans the shots are free!




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